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Brandi Worley Divorce Tragedy

This mother, Brandi Worley, stabbed her two young children, Charlee and Tyler, in the neck in November 2016. Her trial was set to begin last month. She has pleaded not guilty to the murder even after telling 9-1-1 she killed her children because Brandi Worley didn’t want her husband to get them in the divorce. Brandi Worley stabbed her 7- and 3-year-old children in the neck while the father slept in the basement of their home the day after the father filed for divorce.

Police receive a chilling 911 call from Brandi Worley right After Killing her Children only a Day After Father Files for Divorce

Brandi Worley 911 Call In this audio clip of the 911 call you can hear the lack of emotion in her voice and judge for yourself whether our not you think this is an appropriate reaction for a mother.

Play Video: Brandi Worley 911 Call

Father’s Reaction

Brandi Worley’s Husband, the father, does not indicate that he had any signs to believe that the mother would do such a thing. Neighbors thought that the couple was happy and that the mother was a good mother. Jason says that Brandi cheated on him about a year prior to his filing for divorce. There are reports online that Jason had gone on to Reddit and asked for advice about a month prior to filing for divorce. Supposedly there were some people on there who recommended that he file for divorce. (Jason has confirmed that it was him on Reddit using the name “jasoninhell.”)

Jason does not blame any of them for their advice and in fact has apparently thanked those who gave him advice and told them that there was no way to know that this would happen, but that he feels like he failed to protect his children.

Unfortunately, there is no way to know how someone is going to respond to the filing of a divorce and the very real fear of losing their children. Losing your child in family court is a very real possibility. You do not even have to do anything wrong and you could walk out with your rights stripped and never know why. The judge could just decide that you didn’t fit their idea of the better parent. Or you could just simply run out of money and not be able to fight to keep your children. We do not know the situation that this mother personally would have been in. What we do know is that this fear can drive a person to snap. While this does not justify killing children, it does justify a conversation about solutions so that fewer parents have this fear. In addition, we do acknowledge that there are mothers who do not believe that the father should have equal custody and are not able to bear the thought of having to share the children and have the children away from them for any period of time.

Fix Family Court’s Opinion about Brandi Worley

While we do not discount the fact that people often do bad things. We know that when the system places a staggering degree of stress on marginal people, those marginal people sometimes snap and do very bad things. Brandi was NOT an isolated one off incident. Brandi is one of the worst examples of how a dysfunctional unjust system drives people to do crazy and hurtful things that they might never have done otherwise.

Mother’s who Believe they are Entitled to the Primary Custody of the Child

There are organizations that promote the idea that a mother is the primary custodian and people out there who say that a father should not challenge the mother for the custody of the children. I just saw it a few days ago in one of the comments section of one of the stories on the most recent mother to kill her child, an Orono mother who shot her son Jude to prevent the father from getting his equal time with their child. One of the commenters said that fathers should learn not to challenge the custody of a mother. A mother can easily find support from groups and people who say that it is shameful for a father to fight for custody of a child. One such organization in fact is listed as a resource by the Colorado court system itself.

What does that tell you when the government website for the courts are promoting organizations with these ideas? The organization that they are promoting is a women’s organization that quotes the judge’s association and makes statements that men who fight for sole custody of a child are most likely an abusers. The mother can easily surround herself with only people who support these ideas, including professionals, and avoid any real countering of these ideas in any meaningful way in the mother’s life. Generally mothers who do this are ones who also have family members who believe the same and have raised this mother in a culture of believing that mother’s are the protectors and the ones who know best for children.

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This is the most comprehensive package available today for you to protect your equal rights. These sample motions assert your fundamental rights in family court. This package saves you time and money. Now you and your attorney can spend your time working the specific facts of your case into the constitutional arguments. As a bonus, you don’t have to pay your attorney thousands of dollars to craft the constitutional arguments. Most of them screw it up when they try anyway. These motions keep them on track.

These environments allow a mother to easily fall into a protective panic or a protective martyr type of behavior that under certain conditions can lead to killing. You’ve heard parents say that they would stand in front of a bullet to protect their child from harm, right? Well what do you think happens when there are people, including court recommended resources, supporting the idea that the father fighting for custody or to have equal custody is harm to the child…well? I am not saying that father’s cannot ever legitimately be harmful to a child. I am saying that a culture that continues to perpetuate what some call the “golden uterus syndrome” and have an attitude that women are entitled to control and have the primary custody of children, is a harmful idea to perpetuate for the children and for society.

These organizations do not promote equality of the sexes, they promote women as the superior sex and devalue men in our society. They are not seeking equal protection for their rights but are seeking superior rights over men. They are not seeking to right a wrong. They are seeking the power to do wrong themselves. Should our state governments be promoting these sites and these ideas? Is that a proper role of government or is it a way for judges to maintain and increase their power?

The Family Court Process Creates Unnecessary and Destructive Fear and Conflict

The second issue is that the family court process feeds and encourages bad behaviors, and is long, confusing, stressful, and expensive. Nobody should ever lose their child based on poverty, and nobody should be required to endure a bankrupting process that uses your children as their pawns. The family courts, the American Bar Association, and many legislators have the general public believing that the courts should interfere with fit parental decisions during a divorce and that all divorcing or separating parents should go through a qualification process in order to hold on to their separate and individual rights and time with their child. And the family courts and legislators have the general public and parents who have not had exposure to information about the process yet believing that the court protects children.

Protecting Children

There is a massive misunderstanding about who protects children and how to protect children of parents going through a split. Children are protected by their fit parents regardless of whether exercising parental authority causes some suffering for their mistakes, not by government officials with absolute immunity for every stupid harmful decision they make. Of course, if a parent has the wrong idea of protection, like mothers believing that they are entitled to be the primary just because they are female, or fathers believing that they are supposed to protect their child from every flaw in the mother, this leads to unhealthy mental processes, and can inflame or trigger a mental health crisis.

The family court process as it currently stands is harmful to children. In practically every case, the children lose fundamental constitutional rights at the hand of a government agent. This government agent knows next to nothing about your child but is arrogant enough to tell parents he or she knows best. These judges care nothing at all for these children and they gleefully strip them of constitutional rights.

The best way to protect children in divorce is to change the process and stop giving your parental power over to an unaccountably, absolutely immune from consequences, government official. We should stop trying to make the process more invasive and intrusive, but rather apply the principles that our founding father’s knew would promote freedom. The family court process is dictatorial and tyrannical. it allows judges to abuse their power and punish parents for anything that the judge does not favor, anything that offends the judge’s personal or religious beliefs. There is no way for a parent to know what judge they will get or what they might be punished for since the punishing in the family court is not based on criminal statutes, but based on personal opinion and beliefs.

The parents have no way of knowing whether their own legal acts or omissions will upset the judge enough to disrupt their authority and reduce their time with their child because they are not favored to influence their child. The disfavored parent thus can no longer be a meaningful part of the child’s life but just an observer. What that parent believes the child should do or not do no longer matters as it is not backed up with parental authority. The parent is left to beg the other parent, is at that other parent’s mercy, or is left to try and beg the judge for mercy. That takes money, most of the time something the court does not leave in the disfavored parent’s discretion. The disfavored parent is usually spending every penny they can on attorneys and paying the other parent through child support, alimony/spousal maintenance, medical support, and other miscellaneous expenses that the court deems they have the authority to extract from them.

We do believe that if our courts actually protected our parental rights and our children’s rights to each parent, the fear in divorce would be very different. Fear makes people do stupid and even evil things that they would not normally do. No one is immune from making stupid decisions when fearful and few are immune from doing evil when placed in fear. The mind numbing fear created by divorce court judges is directly responsible for parents making stupid decisions and even for many of the evil decisions parents make while placed in this situation. The judges do not care because they have absolute immunity for any decision they make even if they intentionally deny your constitutional rights with malice and evil intent towards you as an individual.

Dealing with the fear of divorce

We need to take the terror out of divorce. We need to put the constitution back into family law. We need to put an end to unaccountable government officials destroying families based on their own personal beliefs. Until we do this, children’s lives will continue to be at greater risk. The National Family Law Policy Center is a new nonprofit that educates the public and the three branches of government on how to use the constitution to protect children.

Common Questions about the Brandi Worley Incident

Who is Brandi Worley?

Brandi Worley is a 35 year old woman from Indiana who murdered her two children, (Tyler Daniel Clinton Worley and Charlee Rose Jean Worley) on November 17, 2016.

What murder weapon did Brandi Worley use?

Ka-bar knife - style of Brandi Worley murder weapon This is an example of a Ka-Bar knife of the type Brandi Worley used to murder her two children. She purchased the knife from Walmart the day before she used it to kill her two children.

What did Brandi Worley say to her husband when he awoke to find their children dead?

Brandi Worley said to her husband “Now you can’t take the kids from me.”

Was Brandi Worley convicted for the murder of her children?

Brandi Worley pleaded guilty to the murder of her children in January 2018.

Is it true that Brandi Worley’s husband filed for divorce just the day prior?

Yes, Jason Worley filed for divorce the day before Brandi Worley murdered her children. This just highlights the deep sense of injustice people expect from American divorce courts. People know that the process is punishing and unfair because our legal system just can’t seem to stop punishing parents for divorcing. The instant despair of a divorce and child custody suit drives people to do terrible things. It doesn’t need to be this way.

Was Brandi Worley sentenced to time in prison?

Brandi Worley was sentenced by Judge Harry Siamas to 65 years in prison for the murder of her son Charlee and 55 years in prison for the murder of her other son Tyler. It appears that these sentences are to be served consecutively.

Where is Brandi Worley serving her time?

Brandi Worley is serving her sentence in Indiana Women’s Prison in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Brandi Worley booking image

This is the Brandi Worley’s posted booking photo.

booking image Brandi Worley

Who is Jason Worley?

Jason Worley is Brandi Worley’s husband and the father of Charlee Worley and Tyler Worley, the two young children who were killed by their mother, Brandi Worley.

Who is jasoninhell?

Jasoninhell is the former reddit handle for Brandi Worley’s husband Jason Worley, whose two young children were murdered by their mother Brandi Worley. Jason deleted that handle and his reddit comment can be seen under the new handle, jasonincode.