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My second grandchild was born yesterday. And I wouldn’t be a part of my grandchildren’s lives if it hadn’t been for the many people who were already out there educating the public about parental alienation. It wasn’t until I was able to call it something that I was able to find the right information to help me respond in situations more effectively related to the alienating behaviors. Once I learned about PA everything started to make sense. I was able to end that alienation because I had education available to me to help me understand and take the right actions. FUAN didn’t exist at that time. Everyone is valuable and every new person that forms and continues to carry the torch are integral parts of the solution. So thank you to those who are here today, those who were here yesterday and continue to be here as well. And thank you to those who have passed on but left us with a body of knowledge to continue building on and to the discoverers of each piece of parental alienation, making it easier for us to understand our children’s altered needs, and how to be there for them, and easier for us to be able to help others going through it.

We try to make contributions where we can. This year FUAN is offering Buy a Bubble fundraiser. They have done wonderful work towards correcting many laws. FUAN has addressed driver’s license revocations, changed language in their family code from visitation time to “parenting time,” gotten CPS abusive practices investigated and have ongoing efforts to replace the agency with a more productive, safer, and effective solution for children in need; reached out to many other organizations, promoted, and supported their efforts as well; and so much more. So this year . . .

. . . we have contributed to the “Buy a Bubble” parental alienation fundraiser from Families United Action Network. We encourage you to also support their efforts in their “Buy a Bubble” program today.


Sunday, April 25th is international “Bubbles of Love/Parental Alienation Awareness Day.

Learn more about this important event here:

All donations to FUAN are used to print informational materials, maintain our website with educational resources, and host events to help educate the public and legislators. No one with our FUAN team receives a salary or compensation. ALL money gets spent on education and awareness of Family Law Reform issues.

FUAN greatly appreciates your help and support!!

When You donate to Families United Action Network-FUAN, you are really helping to make a brighter future for children and families across Iowa and the nation.

NOTE: FUAN is an Iowa based nonprofit that works to change the Iowa family laws. Everyone can and should contribute to these efforts because every state that improves their laws helps other states do so as well.

After you buy a bubble, please post it and include the following hashtags:

#BubblesOfLove #ParentalAlienationAwareness #FamiliesUnitedActionNetwork #FamilyLawReform #FixFamilyCourts #NFLPC