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California, Washington State, and Texas family court and legislation discussed during this interview with Sherry Palmer, Michael Ferrini, Ted Fogg, and Johnny Panko. We talk with Michael Ferrini about how children are actually harmed by the state ignoring proper procedure necessary allegations in order to properly protect the children.

Michael worked as a probation officer, assigned to juvenile court and assigned on a task force that focused on domestic violence, abuse in the home, and high risk cases that they were managing within the juvenile dependency court. That is the welfare court in California. And then Michael went to work for family court for about five to six years in Sacramento. He was laid off after that because of the budget cuts.

Sherry also discusses HB 1899 a Texas Homeschoolers bill being pushed through the legislator in Texas and how this bill continues to legislate the acceptance of discrimination of parent versus parent. Sherry and Tedd discuss these issues and the opportunities that parents have with amending these bills.

And Sherry discusses how Washington State has had an equal parenting bill since 2002 yet parents are still having to fight for their parenting time.