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The official trailer for “The Battle” is out. Philly Slimm highlights and profiles the ills associated with parents being separated from their children. He has spent years connecting with other parents who have been through the same. This documentary style film is sure to move you regardless of whether you have been through the trauma of the family courts or not. Philly has spent 9 years making this film. He is a musician who has been separated by the whim of a family court judge. He is taking this issue to the public and exposing what is happening behind closed doors and being done by people in black robes.

If you want to see this played on Netflix, Philly says that he needs you to go to this link and view the trailer right away. If you haven’t clicked on the video above yet, CLICK HERE now to watch the trailer and watch it now.

This is a chance for your voice to be heard too — YOUR DEBUT!

Philly has announced that your voice can still be heard too. If you would like Philly to consider putting some of your story into the movie before he finalizes everything, you can still send him a short video; deadline for video submission is 10/13/14. And please keep your videos to 10 minutes or less. Contact Philly for details on how to submit your video here: PHILLY’S FACEBOOK PAGE. Philly is also part of The Father’s Rights Movement and runs the page for Colorado. So you can contact him here too: COLORADO FB Page or email him at

STEP 1: Watch the video.

STEP 2: Make your video.

STEP 3: Contact Philly Slimm and submit your video

STEP 4: Get excited and wait for the movie’s debut!

We haven’t seen this film yet so we don’t know the exact content or whether there will be anything in it that might offend. We know that he is an advocate not only for father’s rights but also equal parental rights. We also know from personal experience as well as through others that the way that the current family court process treats people and their children offends and harms children and their families every day.

We are happy to announce works that expose the destruction that the current process inflicts on people. So if you are working on a project let us know and we’ll check it out too.

We hope that you enjoy the trailer. Let us know what you think.